Even Fitz Knew it Would Suck

Think Hemingway would be amused at this film?


F. Scott Fitzgerald pondering the bleak future

F. Scott Fitzgerald pondering the bleak future


Filed under Benjamin Button Is A Horrible Movie

2 responses to “Even Fitz Knew it Would Suck

  1. John H

    Scott Fitzgerald wrote a lot of great stories- this was not one of them. It read like cheap and ridiculous fantasy where logic and common sense go right out the window.

    • natalia

      Why couldn’t there be another movie like the Great Gatsby? That movie was amazing!…Benjamin Button, however, is not amazing. Apparently, Fitzgerald was drunk when he had written Gatsby; that is the reason to why it has taken him three full years to write 150 pages of paper gold. My theory is this: Fitzgerald was sober when he had written Gatsby, but he was drunk when he had written Benjamin Button. I makes perfect sense now!

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